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SAP Design

Enterprise strength & user friendly.

WorkSafe Suite
Through SAP Enterprise Portals and SAP NetWeaver technologies, user can access core SAP R/3 functionality through a web browser for a better user experience with enhanced workflow.
While SAP EH&S has served as the compliance platform for global businesses since the late '90s, the protocols to communicate with the web had yet to be established.

Linx/AS, an SAP partner, created this communication layer to provide users with options for accessing the robust enterprise functionality and data—from web browsers to Adobe forms to mobile devices and more.

With WorkSafe Suite, businesses can now implement enhanced user-centric solutions for complying with legislation enacted by OSHA, EPA, ILO and other regulatory bodies.

Software Requirements



Hardware Requirements

WorkSafe Suite is designed to run in your SAP environment. Hardware requirements will vary depending on your current landscape and system version. Please consult SAP hardware sizing documentation and architectural recommendations for running the respective software listed above.